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VRC October Blog

I can smell Autumn dancing in the breeze. The sweet chill of pumpkin and crisp sunburnt leaves - unknown

The Vision Resource Center provides opportunities and resources to improve the quality of life of adults and children in the Cape Fear Region who are visually impaired.

World Sight Day

World Sight Day (Thursday, October 11, 2018) is a global awareness established to bring awareness and an educational element to better understand the challenges blind and visually impaired people face each and every day. The goal is to improve the lives of children and adults who are blind or visually impaired and understand the realities of living without sight and recognized the importance of expanding the education to the public.

We ended August taking a much needed break following our 3rd Annual "Out of Sight Wing Fling". Thanks to our sponsors and community for helping us to raise $13,861.00 to serve and expand services for adults and children who are visually impaired.

Following Labor Day, it was back to our weekly exercise programming, Jazzy Friday at Cypress Bend, Descriptive Movie and enjoyed the Art Beyond Sight Event.

On September 27th, we took an amazing field trip to Sylvan Heights Bird Park (Wildlife park in Halifax County, North Carolina), but first stopping for a Delicious Lunch!

La Casetta Pizza (Italian Cuisine)

Following lunch, we headed off to the Sylvan Heights Bird Park. There was so much to experience with over 2,000 waterfowl, parrots, toucans, flamingos, and other exotic birds from South America, North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. We were surrounded by tranquil gardens and lush natural areas, which enhanced the beauty of the birds on exhibit. With so many different sounds and smells we asked ALOT of questions! Thanks to United Way of Cumberland County and CCF for being partners in the VRC's mission, giving the blind and visually impaired life beyond their boundaries of their "safe place" (home) and creating memories with their peers.

Sylvan Heights Bird Park (Wildlife park in Halifax County, North Carolina)


October is Blindness Awareness Month

Blindness Awareness Month was established to bring awareness and an educational element to better understand the challenges blind and visually impaired people face each and every day. The goal is to improve the lives of children and adults who are blind or visually impaired and understand the realities of living without sight and recognized the importance of expanding the education to the public.

10 Facts about Blindness and Visual Impairment according to the World Health Organization (WHO)

1. 285 million visually impaired people

2. An estimated 120 million are visually impaired because of uncorrected refractive errors

3. 90% of visually impaired people live in low- and middle-income countries

4. An estimated 82% of all people with blindness are over 50 years old

5. 28% of people living with moderate and severe visual impairment are in their working years

6. Retinal diseases are the main causes of visual impairment in upper-middle-and high-income countries

7. Up to 80% of visual impairment and blindness in adults is preventable or treatable

8. A goal to reduce visual impairments by 25% by 2019

9. Around 1.4 million children are blind

10. WHO provides support and assistance

To learn more about programs for the visually impaired in your community visit The Vision Resource Center at or to volunteer call (910) 483-2719.

The VRC could use your help. We always need volunteers, so if you are looking for a way to give back to your community, try the VRC. We invite you to join us and find out just how fulfilling and FUN it is to be a part of this great organization! More about volunteering can be found here: Volunteers Needed


A Note From Our Executive Director 

Terri Thomas - VRC Executive Director


Fall is on its way, and October is kicking off our programming in full swing. Highlighted programs include Jazzy Fridays at Cypress Bend Winery, Adaptive Technology Movies, Art Beyond Sight (Art Class), Pavers Unlimited will continue meetings to advocate and we will follow up with attendance at City Council and County Commissioner's meetings. We are so excited about upcoming happenings at the VRC.

October we will be attending the State Fair, The Barn Dinner Theatre in Greensboro, NC for Steel Magnolias and we will beginning to transport our consumers to VOTE, no matter which party you support, it is YOUR RIGHT to VOTE!!! We will be EARLY voting on the 22nd, 23rd, and 26th. Please call the office if you, your loved one or a friend is visually impaired and would like to cast their ballot, we will be there to assist. Your VOTE counts and MATTERS!! We have some exciting news coming your way in next month's blog so STAY TUNED!


Terri Thomas

Executive Director

Vision Resource Center

…..Serving the Blind and Visually Impaired

Coming Up in October 2018:

Oct 02: Adaptive Movies TBD

Oct 04: Tokay 9:30-11:00 am 

Oct 11: Tokay 9:30-11:00 am

Oct 12: Jazzy Friday at Cypress Bend 4:00 pm $20.00

Oct 15: Pavers Unlimited 10:00 am

Oct 16: Senior Day at the NC State Fair 9:00 am $10.00

Oct 17: Art Beyond Sight $3.00 (rescheduled from last month)

Oct 18: Tokay 9:30-11:00 am

Oct 22: Out of Sight Get out to VOTE 10:00a.m.

Oct 23: Out of Sight Get out to VOTE 10:00 a.m.

Oct 24: Family Meeting 11:00-1:00 pm, 2886 Owen Drive

Oct 25: Tokay 9:30-11:00 am

Oct 26: Out of Sight Get out to VOTE 10:00a.m.

Oct 30: Steel Magnolias The Barn Dinner Theatre 10:45 am return 5:00 pm $54.00 + $10.00 Transportation fee

Keep watching for more updates! Follow our Facebook page and check out our website at for more information.

Please comment and share our blog! We love your feedback! #LoveIsBlind

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